Mayor Edward Koch establishes a Commission on Early Childhood Education to evaluate the feasibility of and make recommendations on universal pre-K services across New York City. …

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Callahan v. Carey grants a right to shelter for all single men in New York City.69 …

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Updates to federal stipulations around childcare funding required that daycare centers only serve low-income families that met criteria demonstrating need. Fiscal crises in the mid-1970s led the city to shutter many daycare centers. …

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ACD grows to provide funds to over 400 daycare centers throughout New York City, with many having the autonomy to decide whether only to serve low-income families. …

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Mayor John Lindsay establishes the Agency for Child Development (ACD), responsible for planning and regulating daycare centers and Head Start.…

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Congress funds Head Start to provide part-day instruction during the school year. …

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Head Start launches as a summer program across the United States as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” set of programs.68 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is signed. …

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