A Tale of Two Students: Homelessness in New York City Public Schools

During school year 2012-13 there were over 80,000 homeless students in New York City’s public school system, a 60% increase in just six years. This new policy report looks at the academic and behavioral challenges facing these students, as well as the impact of homelessness on their performance in school and their probable outcomes by 12th grade and beyond.…

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Fact Sheet: Homeless Students in New York City

September 2013 Except where noted, all data refer to the 2010–11 school year. Homelessness is experienced by thousands of students in New York City. 71,271 students were homeless during the 2011–12 school year (SY), 40% more than four years earlier.1 6.9% of all students were homeless during SY 2011–12, three times the national rate and…

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Spring 2011, Vol. 2.1

The Spring 2011 issue explores how sports can help disadvantaged youth succeed in “Reaching Youth Through Sports;” the barriers that make it difficult to break the cycle of poverty in “Employment Challenges;” and the unique challenges of elder homelessness in “Finding a Way Back Home.” The issue also features voices from the field of grassroots advocacy in “On the Record.”…

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