Summer 2014, Vol. 5.2

ICPH is dedicated to alleviating family poverty and homelessness through a multi-pronged approach, involving employment, education, and housing. We are excited about this issue of UNCENSORED, which includes articles with compelling ideas on all three fronts.…

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Fall 2013, Vol 4.3

The Fall 2013 issue of UNCENSORED features excerpts from the Tackling Poverty panel discussion in early 2013. “Girls Write Now” takes a look at a highly successful New York City program, pairing professional women writers and editors with often at-risk female high school students to enhance the girls’ writing skills. “Judy Centers” examines efforts to bring together educational and family services under one roof for preschool-aged children and their parents. “The Sanity Project” comprises heartbreaking and inspiring personal essays by a Michigan-based homeless education liaison.…

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Fact Sheet: Homeless Students in New York City

September 2013 Except where noted, all data refer to the 2010–11 school year. Homelessness is experienced by thousands of students in New York City. 71,271 students were homeless during the 2011–12 school year (SY), 40% more than four years earlier.1 6.9% of all students were homeless during SY 2011–12, three times the national rate and…

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