Homeless Hits Home: A New York City Public Opinion Poll

October 2013 Homelessness is an issue that many New Yorkers are forced to confront every day—from passing a homeless person on the sidewalk or subway to facing homelessness themselves. A basic awareness of the growing crisis is unavoidable. But in a city as large and economically diverse as New York, it stands to reason that…

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Fact Sheet: Homeless Students in New York City

September 2013 Except where noted, all data refer to the 2010–11 school year. Homelessness is experienced by thousands of students in New York City. 71,271 students were homeless during the 2011–12 school year (SY), 40% more than four years earlier.1 6.9% of all students were homeless during SY 2011–12, three times the national rate and…

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